Monday, May 25, 2009

M2M Update...

Praise the Lord, there are eight days left (from May 24th.) to see what the Lord has planned for M2M in September.
Over this last week or so, we have received four pledges totaling $2,600.00 for the M2M Retreat. I am confident that this money is in the mail right now. I am so blessed because I know the sources of those donations. I know those people could have easily used the money in their own personal lives but instead they chose to sow it into this ministry to bless our missionaries.
Yes, I am calling them "our" missionaries. Those who prayerfully responded to our invitation did so only after conferring with their pastors and directors, looking to them for counsel. They decided that this indeed was their time and season to receive refreshing. I sense a connection; I want them all to come, the Lord willing.
We now have seventeen (17) missionaries registered for the M2M Retreat, serving in nine countries. My hope and desire is that we will have enough finances to invite all of these missionaries.
As a point of interest, here is a brief overview of our M2M website since it was launched back in March 1, 2009.
545 individual visitors
3,018 page views
51 countries
I am asking our visitors to take some time throughout this week to pray in thanksgiving to the Lord for meeting this financial need and also to be open to hear from the Lord as to whom they could share this information.

To make a donation, go to:, under Fund/Designation select "M2M Retreat".

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