The refund of the application fee to successful applicants is unusual but it falls in line with our hearts desire to keep the expense of this experience as low as possible for the missionary. Also, it helps filter out non-serious applicants thus improving our capability to administer the selection process. We use a rule of thumb, first come - first served, but we hold the right to be flexible on that rule at our own discretion. For example a missionary who has been in the field for 10 years without a break, and one who is in missions for three years.
Mission to Missionaries events depend on generous donations from churches, organizations, and individuals to pay for the operational expenses i.e. event activities, food and accommodations. Ninety days prior to the event start date, donations for the event will be calculated and the number of attendees we can invite will be determined. The minimum number of attendees for any one event will be fifteen (15).
Would you like to make a donation? Go to CanadaHelps: Convenient for online credit card donations. Click on the Donate Now button below, then choose "Church Pledge for M2M or Individual Pledge for M2M. Your donation will be tax-receipted.