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To make a donation, go to: www.canadahelps.org/CharityProfilePage.aspx?CharityID=d41998, under Fund/Designation select "M2M Retreat".
It touches my heart to read the words from the missionaries who registered for the event. We see their need for this time and occasion to get away from their work, to take time out for themselves, and to be encouraged to go back and continue in the work the Lord has called them.
I am asking you to please make an effort to take the time to pray along with Viola and I and to believe God for the remainder of the budget to be met. We want to be able to send these missionaries a confirmation letter at the end of the month informing them that M2M is a GO. If you are one who's thinking that someone else will do the praying or do the giving, please think again. We now need a minimum of $15,000.00 to accommodate 15 people at this event. Our God is a Big God! There's lots of money in His treasury but I know He uses you and I to pray to make things happen.
To be honest, I have been tempted to make a few calls to people in the Body of Christ who could easily meet this financial need. My past experience isn't encouraging whenever I've gone that route. So, this has to be something between them and the Lord. My job is to get the word out there and trust the Lord for His will to be done.
Please take time to forward this letter to others who can join us in our prayer of agreement.
Play Hard, Pray Harder,
M2M would like to bless the
missionaries with baskets that
overflow with wonderful gifts.
Here is a list of suggested items
we would love to give to the
visiting missionaries: Visit Registry